The FDA and EU consider MSG to be a harmless flavor enhancer; critics claim it’s a dangerous toxin. Who’s right? Last week, I explained what MSG is, how it acts in the body, how it’s used in the food supply. This week, I take a closer look at charges that MSG causes headaches (“Chinese Restaurant Syndrome”), neurological damage, or has harmful effects on insulin, diabetes risk, or even obesity. Read or listen to Part 2 here.
My Take on the Potato Wars

One of the proposed changes to the National School Lunch Program is to limit the amount of “starchy” vegetables like corn and potatoes to no more than two servings a week. Turns out that potatoes (mostly in the form of French fries) constitute 75% of the vegetables eaten in our school cafeterias. The idea is that cutting back on potatoes might compel kids to consume other vegetables. French fried carrots, presumably. Continue reading “My Take on the Potato Wars”
Harvest Pancakes
Here’s a clever way to sneak another serving of vegetables into the day. These pancakes are feather light even though they are made with whole grain flour. The secret is to use whole wheat pastry flour (not bread flour). Look for it in the natural or organic section of your grocery. Continue reading “Harvest Pancakes”
Is MSG Safe? (Part 1 of 2)
The FDA and EU consider MSG to be a harmless flavor enhancer; critics claim it’s a dangerous toxin. Who’s right? In this article, I take a look at what MSG is, how it acts in the body, how it’s used in the food supply. In Part 2 , I’ll take a closer look at charges that MSG causes headaches (“Chinese Restaurant Syndrome”), neurological damage, or has harmful effects on insulin, diabetes risk, or even obesity. Read or listen to Part 1 here.
Flax Bran Muffins
Most bran muffins are high in sugar and fat. Prune juice keeps these muffins tender and moist, and adds a natural sweetness. Flax seed also pumps up the nutritional profile by adding omega-3 fatty acids as well as soluble fiber. Continue reading “Flax Bran Muffins”
Stocking a Healthy Kitchen on a Budget
This week’s podcast is for recent college graduates and others who are new to the business of food shopping, meal planning, and preparation. To be honest, even experienced householders often struggle with these tasks. If you’ve ever unloaded 8 bags of groceries only to discover that you don’t have the makings for a single meal, you know what I mean—and these tips can help. Read or listen to it here.
Can We Trust Industry Funded Research?
The fact that a study has been funded by a private interest suggests that we need to take a closer look at how it was conducted and reported. However, it not automatically invalidate the results. And publicly funded research is not immune to bias. Read more about the different types of bias that affect scientific research in this week’s show.
Fresh Figs, Four Ways

The other day, I received a beautiful crate of fresh figs, compliments of the California Fig Advisory Board. Apparently, cool rainy weather slightly delayed the harvest of fresh figs this year. But these were perfectly ripe, and ripe figs don’t last long. The clock was ticking so I invited a bunch of friends and started planning a menu, with each course featuring fresh figs.
Next: Appetizers