Fish Oil and Depression: Beyond the Headlines

A recent study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reports that a higher intake of omega-3 fatty acids from fish does not appear to reduce the risk for depression.   It’s the latest disappointment in a slew of recent studies finding that fish oil failed to help prevent or slow Alzheimers, atherosclerosis, atrial fibrulation, or kidney disease.

In a way, however, the part of this latest study that didn’t make the news is far more interesting than the headlines would suggest. Although a higher intake of fish oils did not ward off  depression, a higher ratio of omega-3 to omega-6 in the diet did.  Now that’s newsworthy.

In fact, it supports an argument I’ve been putting forth for some time: In order to get the benefits of omega-3 fats, we’d be better off cutting back on vegetable oils and other sources of omega-6 than popping fish oil capsules like bunch of deranged seals.

For a more detailed explanation of why this is the case (and how to go about it), please read or listen to my podcast: Fish Oils and Omega-3s.

Do Dried Herbs and Spices Have Nutritional Value?

Do Dried Herbs and Spices Lose Their Nutritional Value?Q. Do dry herbs and spices have the same nutritional benefits as their fresh counterparts or are they only good for flavor?

A. It depends on which herbs and spices (and which nutritional benefits) you’re talking about!

  • Cinnamon, for example, is only consumed in its dried form but powdered cinnamon has been shown to help modulate the rise in blood sugar after meals.
  • Ginger can be used either as a fresh root or as a dried powder but either way, has anti-inflammatory benefits.  Same with garlic and onions.
  • Dried spices like cloves, cinnamon, and black pepper all have high ORAC scores, which indicate antioxidant potential.  A teaspoon of these spices is comparable to a serving of blueberries or strawberries.

Clearly, there is still plenty of nutritional benefit to be had from dried spices.

The Difference Between Fresh and Dried Herbs Continue reading “Do Dried Herbs and Spices Have Nutritional Value?” >

Fish Oil to Reduce Cholesterol?

Q. I’ve listened to your podcast on fish oil and omega-3s and shared it with some people I know who take fish oil. But today my physician told me that my “bad” cholesterol is borderline and that a way to get it down without statins would be to take fish oil twice a day. I’m wondering what you think about that.

A.   In the podcast you’re referring to, I was talking mostly about prophylactic or preventive use of fish oil supplements.  Here’s the point I was trying to make:  Taking fish oil supplements, which are high in omega-3s,  is one way to balance out  diet that’s too high in omega-6 fats. But another way to improve that balance is to reduce your intake of omega-6.   Reducing omega-6 intake (which come mostly from vegetable oils and processed foods) can reduce the need to take fish oil supplements.

Continue reading “Fish Oil to Reduce Cholesterol?” >

Purslane as a source of omega-3: a reality check

Purslane has gained a reputation as being a good source of omega-3 fatty acids. An oft-cited 1992 analysis, published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, found that 100 grams of purslane contained 300-400 mg of omega-3 fats.

But if you search the scientific literature, you’ll see that the amount of omega-3 fats in purslane varies a LOT, depending on the variety, the age of the plant, the part of the plant you analyze (leaves, stems, seeds), and the time of harvest. The purslane analyzed in the 1992 study was clearly at the high end of the range.

Is purslane a valuable source of omega-3 or not?

It’s true that, compared to other green vegetables, purslane is rich in omega-3 fatty acids. About half the fat in purslane is omega-3. But green vegetables are very low in fat, so that doesn’t add up to much.

Let me put this in perspective for you: Even if you were lucky enough to got some high octane purslane like the stuff analyzed by Simopoulos in 1992, you’d need to eat 4 pounds of it to get the amount of ALA found in one tablespoon of flaxseed oil.  Hope you’re hungry!

On today’s menu: weeds

Part of the fun of a CSA-share is the opportunity to try vegetables that would otherwise never end up in my shopping cart, such as the sweet potato leaves I wrote about a couple of weeks ago.  One of our options this week was purslane, a plant related to the portulacas you might plant in your garden.  I first read about purslane in Artemis Simopoulos’s book The Omega Diet.  Purslane is one of the richest vegetable sources of omega-3 fatty acids.

See also: Purslane as a source of omega-3s: A reality check

A big part of the reason that the meat from pasture-raised cattle (and wild game) is higher in omega-3 fats is because grazing animals favor these succulent wild greens and will eat them preferentially over other grasses.  It makes good grazing for people, too. According to research published in the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 100 grams of purslane contains 300-400 mg of omega-3 fats (alpha-linolenic acid), along with over half a day’s supply of vitamin E, a third of the day’s vitamin C, and a quarter of the day’s vitamin A.  But does it taste good?

I’d never bought or cooked with purslane before. In fact, I’d never even seen it at the grocery store. But in her weekly email to us One Straw Farm shareholders, our farmer Cheryl Wade gave it a big drumroll:

“The tips, either in or out of flower are cute enough for garnish and add a definite zip to fresh salads. You can also steam it, stems and all and serve it with oil and vinegar or butter and soy sauce or most people need nothing on it at all. When you have a bumper crop you can start steaming piles of Purslane and popping it in the freezer as a blessed addition to soups. It does a nice job of thickening the soup, too. Purslane can be substituted for spinach or wild greens in lasagnas, filled pastas, and Greek-style tarts.”

I couldn’t wait.  When I got to the market on Thursday, however, I opted out of the purslane and chose other vegetables instead. Why? Because once I saw it, I realized that I’ve got all the purslane I need growing in my garden! I bet you do, too. It sprouts up everywhere, in between the cracks in the terrace, along the sidewalk, and in flower and vegetable beds. In fact, I spend a good part of the summer weeding it!  Here’s what purslane looks like:


As it happens, my personal crop was a little depleted by some power weeding we did over the weekend, but experience tells me it will be back soon. So instead of weeding the next batch, I plan to harvest it and try some of Cheryl’s suggested preparations. I’ll let you know how it goes. If you haven’t weeded your garden recently (and haven’t sprayed any chemicals on it), you might enjoy some purslane today. Here’s a couple of other serving suggestions from The Omega Diet (p. 157):

“When you first try purslane, serve it raw tossed with olive oil, lemon juice, salt, and pepper. Delicious. Once you’ve gained appreciation for its delicate flavor and unique texture (like a cross between tender pea pods and a buttery lettuce), add it to mesclun, toss it in soups, or saute briefly in butter and serve with a light cream sauce.”