Author: Monica Reinagel, MS, LDN
This Week’s Podcast | Did the FDA Make the Right Call on Food Dyes?
Last week, the FDA decided that there wasn’t enough evidence to warrant a ban–or even a warning–on artificial food dyes. In this week’s podcast, I have advice for parents who want to avoid them anyway, as well as a closer look at the studies that the FDA reviewed. Read or listen to it here.
Why Make Such a Fuss About a Good Habit?
Although Mr. Harper and the editors of Shape Magazine have so far declined to comment on my challenge, the response from readers has been really fascinating. If you’ve been following the discussion in the comment thread for yesterday’s post or on my Facebook page, then I apologize for repeating some of that here. But something that’s come up in the discussion strikes me as so significant that I really want to underline it. Continue reading “Why Make Such a Fuss About a Good Habit?”
Dear Bob Harper and Editors of Shape Magazine
I recently came across the following weight loss advice from “Biggest Loser” trainer Bob Harper in Shape Magazine (February 2011, page 171):
“Eating first thing revs your calorie burn…If you don’t eat within two hours of waking, your metabolism can slow down to conserve energy.”
Arrggh! What will it take to put a stake through the heart of this myth-that-will-not-die? Bob Harper and Shape are not the first to perpetuate this urban legend and I’m sure they won’t be the last. But, c’mon! A guy of this clout and a magazine of this caliber should do better than repeat well-worn nonsense. They should be a beacon of accuracy in the swirling fog nutrition misinformation. And so, I’d like to issue…
A Friendly Challenge to Mr. Harper and the Editors of Shape:
If you can produce one shred of evidence or data to support this statement, I will personally treat you all to breakfast–a protein-rich and high fiber breakfast, of course. Continue reading “Dear Bob Harper and Editors of Shape Magazine”
Do Dried Herbs and Spices Have Nutritional Value?
Q. Do dry herbs and spices have the same nutritional benefits as their fresh counterparts or are they only good for flavor?
A. It depends on which herbs and spices (and which nutritional benefits) you’re talking about!
- Cinnamon, for example, is only consumed in its dried form but powdered cinnamon has been shown to help modulate the rise in blood sugar after meals.
- Ginger can be used either as a fresh root or as a dried powder but either way, has anti-inflammatory benefits. Same with garlic and onions.
- Dried spices like cloves, cinnamon, and black pepper all have high ORAC scores, which indicate antioxidant potential. A teaspoon of these spices is comparable to a serving of blueberries or strawberries.
Clearly, there is still plenty of nutritional benefit to be had from dried spices.
The Difference Between Fresh and Dried Herbs Continue reading “Do Dried Herbs and Spices Have Nutritional Value?”
This Picture Speaks a Thousand Calories (or So)
Anything strike you about this photo (from the February 2011 issue of Shape Magazine)?
Continue reading “This Picture Speaks a Thousand Calories (or So)”
Tips for Healthy Weight Gain
Q. I’m a 30-year-old man and I’m struggling to gain weight. I exercise 5-7 hours a week. My health is good. I really enjoy vegetables and other healthy foods, but it’s hard to get enough calories without adding soda and dessert to my meal of chicken salad, for example. I know sugar causes a host of bad health effects, but what alternatives are there? How can I get more calories without causing collateral damage?
A. You’re absolutely right: You don’t want to get those extra calories by loading up on soda and dessert!
Fortunately, I can think of lots of ways to add calories without resorting to foods that undermine your health and nutrition. Continue reading “Tips for Healthy Weight Gain”
This Week’s Podcast | Beef vs. Chicken
Simply substituting chicken or turkey for beef or pork doesn’t necessarily make a recipe healthier. Find out why red meat can sometimes be the better choice and learn the healthiest choices for both red and white meat in this week’s podcast.