
Product Review: Einkorn Pasta

I recently received some free samples of a new brand of whole grain pasta, with a request to review the product. Having read through the promotional literature, exchanged emails with the company’s nutrition scientists, and cooked some up to taste, here’s my take.

At a Glance

Jovial einkorn pasta is a 100% organic whole grain pasta produced in Italy.It comes in a variety of shapes (spaghetti, penne, etc.) and is nut-brown in color. Here’s the Nutrition Facts label for einkorn spaghetti:

Jovial Pasta Nutrition Facts

The Company Line

According to the company, einkorn was the first domesticated species of wheat but was eventually replaced by other hybrids that produced higher yields. This “purest, most ancient species of wheat” is promoted as being lower in starch and higher in protein and fiber than regular wheat. It’s also said to have higher levels of thiamin, lutein, vitamin E, and many other nutrients.

The Reality Check

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2010 Dietary Guidelines: Will Science Prevail Over Politics?

This coming Monday, the the USDA and the Department of Health and Human Services will unveil the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans–the government’s official take on what and how we’re supposed to be eating.  Obviously, Americans need guidance.  We are literally killing ourselves with food.  But are the government’s  Dietary Guidelines making us any healthier?

Continue reading “2010 Dietary Guidelines: Will Science Prevail Over Politics?” >

Resolution Rescue: What Are You Craving?

If losing weight is one of your New Year’s resolutions, sooner or later you’ll probably find your resolve tested by an overwhelming desire for something really naughty.  Hopefully, you’ll reach for a diet-friendly snack instead. But your chances of heading off dietary disaster will be higher if you choose an alternative that is a good match for your particular craving.

if you’re craving chocolate, for example, another stick of celery is probably not going to do the trick. (Then again, if you’re craving something salty, it just might.)

Here are some foods to help satisfy various cravings without ruining your diet:

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Is Chicken Less Inflammatory Than Beef?

You’ll find lots of articles in the popular press about the value of anti-inflammatory diets. But many of them perpetuate certain myths about food and inflammation–in particular, that red meat is inflammatory and chicken is anti-inflammatory. I think that’s because many people simply assume that all the foods that we’re used to thinking of as “healthy” are anti-inflammatory and foods that we have been trained to view as “unhealthy” are inflammatory. In reality, the research on foods and inflammation challenges some of these assumptions.

A boneless, skinless chicken breast–that Holy Grail of diet food–is low in total fat and saturated fat, it’s true. But that’s not the whole story. Chicken is also relatively high in omega-6 fats, including arachidonic acid, a fatty acid that directly feeds cellular production of inflammatory chemicals. Continue reading “Is Chicken Less Inflammatory Than Beef?” >