Easy Microwave Popcorn Recipe

Tip: I’ve found that the “bow-tie-guy” brand and the organic popcorn from my health food store seem to pop up better than the cheaper generic brands.  Even when you spring for the premium kernels though, it’s still a bargain compared with packaged microwave popcorn!

You’ll need:


  1. Add 3 tablespoons of kernels to paper bag. Fold down the top ½ inch of the bag, two or three times.
  2. Place bag on its side in the microwave and hit the “popcorn” setting.  Stay close to the microwave and stop it as soon as popping slows. (Popcorn burns quickly.)  Immediately dump the popped corn into a large bowl.
  3. Repeat with the rest of the corn, using the same bag.
  4. Meanwhile, drizzle the oil (or oil-and-butter mixture) over the popped corn. Toss to mix and salt/season to taste.

*If using popcorn jug, you can pop all the popcorn in a single batch.

Makes: 1 large bowl of popcorn

3 thoughts on “Easy Microwave Popcorn Recipe

  1. What the full amount of popcorn kernels for the recipe? Instructions only say to pop 3 T at a time in a bag or the full batch in a jug.

    1. I usually make two batches, so six tablespoons total. But you could keep popping three tablespoons at a time until you have as much as you want.

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