How to Build More Muscle with Less Protein

Buckle your seat belts and pull out your pocket protectors: We’re going full nutrition-nerd today, talking about the role of dietary protein in maximizing muscle protein synthesis. But don’t assume that this is only of interest to body-builders! Applying these insights to your daily meals can have a monumental impact on your ability to maintain a healthy body weight, age successfully, and bounce back from illness and injury.

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In a previous episode on preventing age-related muscle loss, I explained that you can get more protein benefit without eating more protein, simply by distributing your protein more evenly over the course of the day. Since then, I’ve heard from many of you asking how to adapt this advice to various situations and dietary patterns—such as those that are lower in protein.

I recently attended a meeting with some of the world’s top protein researchers and in between sessions I hit them up for their insights on the questions you’ve raised. I’ve got some great new information to share with you but first, let’s back up and talk muscle protein synthesis.

How does your body make muscle?

Building and repairing muscle tissue requires protein—and that’s a nutrient that our bodies have to use as it comes in; we can’t store it for future use. Whenever we eat foods containing protein, we get a little burst of muscle-building activity. The amount of muscle you build is dependent on the amount of protein you take in at that meal. Eat a little protein, build a little muscle. Take in more protein, build more muscle…but only up to a point.

Research by Douglas Paddon Jones of the University of Texas has shown that muscle protein synthesis peaks at about 30 grams of protein per meal. Anything above that is largely wasted in terms of its muscle-building benefit.

Just to give you a quick frame of reference, a typical chicken breast contains 50 to 65 grams of protein. An 8-ounce sirloin contains about 70 grams of protein. A half cup of Greek yogurt contains about 10 grams of protein and an egg contains 6 grams of protein. To see how much protein you get from other foods, check out my protein cheat sheet.

The best time to take protein

The average protein intake in the US is just under 90 grams of protein per day. However, we typically eat over two-thirds of that (around 60 grams) at dinner time, with breakfast and lunch typically being much lower in protein. That means that, despite taking in plenty of protein over the course of the day, most of us are only maxing out our muscle building processes once a day.

Maximizing protein synthesis once a day is definitely better than nothing. But there’s a missed opportunity here. Paddon Jones has demonstrated that by taking that same 90 grams of protein and dividing it more evenly across three meals, we can maximize protein synthesis three times a day instead of just once.

In practical terms, this usually means eating a lot less protein at dinner and a lot more protein at breakfast. There’s certainly nothing wrong with eating half a chicken breast or salmon filet for breakfast, but if you’re not ready to start your day with a turkey burger, a versatile source of protein like whey protein powder can also be a big help. This article includes suggestions for using protein powder to bump up the protein content of typical breakfast and lunch foods.

Why does muscle protein synthesis matter?

Maximizing muscle protein synthesis is not just for body builders and athletes. It’s beneficial for everyone, but it’s particularly critical for three groups of people: those over 50, those who are in the process of losing weight, and those who are recovering from a serious injury, illness, or surgery. All three of these groups are prone to accelerated muscle loss, which makes all three conditions (aging, weight loss, recovery) more challenging.

Ironically, the groups who have most to gain from maximizing protein synthesis (older adults, those actively losing weight, and those recovering from illness or injury) are all likely to be eating a lot less protein than the average intake of 90 grams per day. They may be taking in fewer calories in general in an effort to lose weight. They may be eating smaller more frequent meals due to smaller appetites. Or, protein foods may simply be less appealing to them.

How to build more muscle with less protein

And this brings us to the question that so many of you have asked: How can you get the most muscle-building benefit if you’re only taking in 50 or 60 grams of protein per day? Are you better off dividing that smaller amount evenly across three meals? What if you eat smaller more frequent meals? Should some be heavy in protein and others lighter or should they all have a little bit of protein?

Analysis done by Wayne Campbell at Purdue University suggests that when it comes to preserving muscle, hitting that 30-gram threshold once a day is better than never hitting it—especially for our three groups at increased risk of muscle loss. Hitting it twice a day is better than hitting it only once.

You can get more protein benefit without eating more protein.

After discussing all of this with Dr. Paddon Jones and Dr. Campbell and applying a little common sense, I’ve come up with the following guidelines for those who—for whatever reason—do not eat 90 grams of protein per day.

Protein intake on a low-protein diet

  1. Max it out at least once a day. If you only eat 50 grams of protein per day, you’re better off eating 30 of it at a single meal than dividing it equally among three or more meals. If you can manage 2 protein-maxed meals per day, even better.
  2. Do what you can. If 30 grams of protein is simply more than you can manage at a single meal, aiming for 20 or 25 grams at a meal is still going to give you more benefit than 5 or 10 grams.
  3. Avoid eating more than 30 grams of protein at a meal. Although that extra protein can be used as fuel (that is: calories), it’s not helping with muscle preservation. Move that protein to a different meal or snack.
  4. Don’t just feed your muscles: Use them. You know what works even better than protein to build new muscle? Exercise. And you know what works better than either exercise or protein alone? Exercise plus protein.

One final caveat: Most of this research presumes that the protein in question is high-quality protein, namely, lean meat, fish, poultry, dairy, eggs, or whey protein powder. If you’re getting your protein from plant sources such as legumes, nuts, and grains, it may take significantly more than 25 to 30 grams of protein at a meal to maximize protein synthesis.

See also: How to build muscle on a plant-based diet

Thanks to Drs. Paddon Jones and Campbell for all of their work on this important issue and for lending their expertise to our discussion.


Originally published at

3 thoughts on “How to Build More Muscle with Less Protein

  1. Wow, so plants have low quality proteins! Please explain it to us scientifically.
    Proteins cannot be used as they are, they need to be broken down to the aminoacids they constitute of. So we need aminoacids. Where do animals take their aminoacids so that they can build their tissues and before a year or so, be slaughtered so that people can eat their high quality protein flesh, that is muscles?
    Guess what, from plants!
    Plants have all the amino acids that we need and you can get them effortlessly by eating a diversified plant based diet, without the cholesterol, heme iron, antibiotics, growth hormones, heavy metals carcinogens and so much more! Mainly though, without all the suffering of the confined animals, the deforestation, the increased land and fresh water use, the pollution of the water ways and the ocean, the overloading of our health care system with otherwise preventable diseases.
    This is what I understand though with my simple reasoning. What do you think. Please explain to us.

    1. Plants absolutely have all the amino acids that we need. And it is not particularly difficult to meet the *minimum* requirements for protein from a plant-based diet.

      It’s also possible to *optimize* the quantity and quality of protein on a plant-based diet, but I wouldn’t say that it is “effortless.” Because it takes a lot more calories to supply the same amount of protein and diversity of amino acids when you are relying solely on plants, there is a lot less room for discretionary calories (which some people like to have room for).

      If heavy metals are a concern, though, plants are a primary dietary source for those. So you might want to remove that one from your list of dangers.

      But I suspect that your real concern is not with protein, or even with the health of humans (although that makes for a lot of compelling, if not always completely factual, talking points).

      Every diet will have its tradeoffs. And If your primary concern is suffering of animals, deforestation, land and fresh water use, and environmental pollution, then I agree that a plant-based diet is probably the best fit for you! And I completely understand why you’d want to advocate as forcefully as possible for everyone to join you.

    2. I think there are explanations, which I’ve attempted to summarize below.

      One explanation relates to protein digestability, which is significantly lower in plant proteins. Another explanation is that plant sources tend to have different amino acid compositions than animal sources. The amino acid issue is often not discussed when comparing plant and non-plant protein sources, where the focus is on grams of protein.

      For example, the latest science says that leucine is very important in triggering muscle synthesis. Plant proteins have an average of 7% leucine content. Meat proteins average around 9% and dairy at around 10%. As another example, research suggests methionine is related to muscle growth and size of muscle fibers. On a per gram basis, animal proteins average about 2.5 times the amount of methionine of plant proteins.

      To apply the example of leucine to protein grams in a meal, research suggests the average adult needs 2.5 grams of leucine (in a meal) to trigger muscle synthesis. This means 35 grams of plant protein in a meal needed to hit the leucine threshold (assuming 7%), as compared to 27 grams of animal (meat) protein (assuming 9%) or 25 grams of dairy protein (assuming 10%).

      This is why the research recommends more plant protein for muscle synthesis – a person will need more grams of protein to get the same amount of important amino acids as compared non-plant protein. The difference in digestability also likely requires boosting protein number.

      Personally, I have shifted my diet closer to veganism, with a higher reliance on plant proteins. I think there are health and environmental benefits to doing this. But I’ve found I need more protein to maintain exercise and energy levels. That’s been my experience, which also tracks with the science. But of course, these issues are highly individual issues, and people need to do what works for them.

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