Product Review: Siete Grain-free Tortillas

2016-06-11 13.04.59I recently received samples of two new grain-free tortillas from Texas-based Siete Foods–one made from almond flour and the other from cassava and coconut.

Tortillas that are gluten-free, grain-free, dairy-free, vegan (almond only), and Paleo-friendly will have obvious appeal to a wide range of “special needs” dieters.  And these are quite tasty!

The ingredient lists are short and sweet and each tortilla tastes reassuringly of its namesake ingredients–the almond having a warm nutty flavor and the cassava/coconut tasting faintly of fresh coconut.

Neither variety was pliable enough  to work well for a wrap or soft taco. (Although you can soften them up on a warm griddle or in the microwave, they quickly stiffen as they cool.) But both worked beautifully for toasted quesadillas, and crisped up nicely as oven-baked tortilla chips, as well.

AlmondCassavaNutritionally speaking, there are notable differences. Despite being the same size, the almond tortillas have twice as many calories (120 vs 60 per 7 inch round). Both have about the amount of carbohydrate (10-12 g) but the almond tortillas are substantially higher in fat (7 g vs. 1.5 g) and protein (4 g vs 0 g).   And while the almond variety are vegan, the coconut cassava tortillas include a small amount of pasture-raised(!) lard.

Unfortunately, all that dietary purity comes at a hefty price: about $8 per 8-pack. Because I don’t need to avoid grains or gluten, I’ll probably stick with my $3.00 packs of organic whole wheat and corn tortillas. But if you’re in the market for a grain-free tortilla, you probably won’t find any better than these.

11 thoughts on “Product Review: Siete Grain-free Tortillas

    1. If they were, the human species would have died out long ago! For the last 12,000 years, more than half of all the calories consumed by humans have come from cereal grains such as wheat and corn.

  1. Ridiculously expensive for Cassava flour!! 8 tortillas for $9.99 at my local health food store! After all, cassava is an inexpensive staple food consumed by many poor countries. Someone is making big profit!! Make your own:)

        1. It’s a small family based company. I’m happy to pay what they ask so that their family can live. Everything they’ve ever created has been amazing! And I’m thankful to have such clean eats that don’t make me sick.
          Not all of us are lucky enough to live near a Whole Foods.

  2. These are the biggest disaster it’s ever been my displeasure to purchase. They are impossible to heat right. I know a million tricks for making a nice, pliable tortilla and none of them work with this crap. You’ll end up with dough or a tortilla chip. Plaster the product with buzz words, show your family and screw selling anything useful. WAY overpriced. $1.50-$2 a tortilla?!? I buy to-cook tortillas for less sodium. These are no different than regular tortillas. Absolutely horrible product.

    1. Agreed…I was looking hard for someone who would state the truth about these gross things. I can’t stand them, I can’t believe so many people are saying they are tasty. I’d never say these are tasty, yuck. Plus I was the dumbo that paid so much for them.

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