What’s the Deal with Ultra-Pasteurized Milk?

Q. I would like to hear more about ultra-pasteurization of milk. I have noticed that organic milk does not spoil as fast as non-organic milk. Is it the ultra-pasteurization? And why is organic milk ultra-pasteurized while regular milk is not?

A. Ultra-pasteurization, which heats milk to 260 degrees F. as opposed to the 160 degrees F. required for regular pasteurization, triples the shelf life of milk. Most big-brand organic milk is now ultra-pasteurized, so that’s probably why you’ve noticed that it doesn’t spoil as quickly as normal milk.

As to why the ultra-pasteurization process has been widely adopted by the organic market and not the conventional milk market, I can only speculate. Continue reading “What’s the Deal with Ultra-Pasteurized Milk?” >

This Week’s Podcast: How to Eat Less Without Feeling Hungry

Quick and Dirty Tips for Eating Well and Feeling FabulousAs you may have noticed, whether I’m talking about reducing your risk of heart disease, preventing Type 2 diabetes, or slowing the aging process, one piece of advice keeps coming up over and over again: Maintain a healthy weight. Of course I realize that this is a lot easier said than done.  In order to lose weight, you have to eat less and when you eat less you usually feel hungry, which most of us find unpleasant. So this week, I have some tips for you on how to eat fewer calories without feeling hungry.

Dessert Rules

Q. I am a healthy, active person trying to maintain my weight. About once or twice a week I will have a nice dessert at my favorite bakery, staying within my allotted calories for the day. My question is: though I’m keeping calories down, is it still healthy?

A. Well, sweets aren’t exactly health-promoting.  Nonetheless, But I do believe that a healthy diet can include the occasional sweet treat. Here are my guidelines:

Continue reading “Dessert Rules” >

Product Review: Einkorn Pasta

I recently received some free samples of a new brand of whole grain pasta, with a request to review the product. Having read through the promotional literature, exchanged emails with the company’s nutrition scientists, and cooked some up to taste, here’s my take.

At a Glance

Jovial einkorn pasta is a 100% organic whole grain pasta produced in Italy.It comes in a variety of shapes (spaghetti, penne, etc.) and is nut-brown in color. Here’s the Nutrition Facts label for einkorn spaghetti:

Jovial Pasta Nutrition Facts

The Company Line

According to the company, einkorn was the first domesticated species of wheat but was eventually replaced by other hybrids that produced higher yields. This “purest, most ancient species of wheat” is promoted as being lower in starch and higher in protein and fiber than regular wheat. It’s also said to have higher levels of thiamin, lutein, vitamin E, and many other nutrients.

The Reality Check

Continue reading “Product Review: Einkorn Pasta” >

2010 Dietary Guidelines: Will Science Prevail Over Politics?

This coming Monday, the the USDA and the Department of Health and Human Services will unveil the 2010 Dietary Guidelines for Americans–the government’s official take on what and how we’re supposed to be eating.  Obviously, Americans need guidance.  We are literally killing ourselves with food.  But are the government’s  Dietary Guidelines making us any healthier?

Continue reading “2010 Dietary Guidelines: Will Science Prevail Over Politics?” >