Q. After doing some research, I have been trying to reduce my intake of grains. But the big thing in the news this week is a new study finding that fiber from grains reduces the risk of colon cancer and that fiber from fruits and veggies doesn’t have the same effect. Have you looked at this new research? Do you still recommend reducing grains?
A. Just to be clear, I’m not anti-grain. Although I suspect that most Americans consume an excessive amount of grain products (especially refined grains), and I believe that grains are not essential to a healthy diet, I still think that a healthy diet can include grains (especially whole grains).
I have, however, questioned the dogma on the “benefits of whole grains” on the basis that the research doesn’t really distinguish between the benefits of adding whole grains and the benefits of reducing refined grains. (The two virtually always go hand in hand.)
Does this new study change my position? Not really. Continue reading “Do Grains Decrease Colon Cancer Risk?”